Thursday, February 18, 2016

PHP solutions for Codility lessons

Hi Codilitiers!

I want to share with you solutions for Codility lessons as result of my preparations for Codility test. If you are using PHP to go through Codility lessons and tasks, THIS COULD HELP.


Codility tasks have been solved using PHP as preparation for TopTal.
There could be multiple 100% solutions for particular task and 
there are separated partial solutions in ./partial folder which 
represents solutions before perfect score was hit.

Hope it helps!

Play Chrome Chess at work

As a practice in NodeJS/SocketIO I've made simple Chrome extension to play chess online with your friends. It is still in beta but I will continue with development and support as much as spare time allows it.

ChromeChess is simple PVP version of good old chess where game of chess is just click away. 

This extension acts as simple chess user interface inside small popup window.

So, basically you can continue your daily work inside Chrome while still playing chess. When opponent makes his move you will be notified so you can open chess board and make your move.

Hope you like it. Enjoy!

P.S. For developers that want to help with development you can find me HERE.